July 13, 2024

What transparency in state government actually looks like

“Together with leaders from all state agencies, we identified opportunities to align operations, resources, and services to better meet the needs of Iowans.” Or so Govenor Reynolds said when she promoted her massive state "reorganization" in 2023. 

Not long ago, I sought statistics from the Iowa Deparment of Health and Human Services on Iowans' incidence and prevalence of mental illness. I was intially told I would need to go through the FOIA procedure to request that (apparently) highly protected information. It was not until I pitched a hissy and threatened to publicize this totally irrational obstacle that the data was provided. 

At a time when our health care system is strained to the limits and our policy makers have their heads in a very dark place, only the light of day will lead to informed health care access and decision making for Iowans. Don't forget to bring your night goggles. Read on:

Des Moines Register of July 13, 2024